Privacy Policy

At Slovglass Imports, we’re committed to protecting and respecting your privacy.

As of 25th May 2018 the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will come into affect across the EU. It is a new regulation designed to give an individual greater rights and protection with regards to their personal data and how companies use it.

The GDPR hasn’t replaced the Data Protection Act (1998) but rather sits along side it. Businesses must meet new standards and review their policies in order to be as clear and honest as possible on how and why they collect peoples’ personal information.

This policy will explain how, when and why we collect personal information about our customers and what precautions we take in order to keep it secure. Please feel free to check this web page from time to time as we may modify this Policy. By using this website, you are agreeing to be bound by this Policy.

This Policy was last updated in June 2021.

Who are we?

We are Slovglass Imports Ltd, one of the UK’s leading manufacturers and importers of high quality glassware and crystal.

Our Registered Business Address:
please do not use this address for any correspondence or returns
Slovglass Imports Ltd
40 Kimbolton Road, Bedford, Bedfordshire, MK40 2NR

Our Correspondence Address:
please use this address for all correspondence and returns
Unit 1&2 Manton Lane, Bedford, Bedfordshire, MK41 7PG

Our VAT Registration Number: 755 545 507
Our Company Number: 04026507

We are exempt from registration with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) as a data controller are we are only processing personal data for the core business purposes (to fulfill an order). Nonetheless, we adhere to the principles of the General Data Protection Regulations within the scope of GDPR and Data Protection Act (1998).

Why do we collect your information?

We collect information about you for two reasons; first, to process your order and second, to provide you with the best service we possibly can.

How do we collect your information?

We collect information about you when you visit our website via Cookies (see below as well as our Cookie Policy), create an account to order products, send emails to us or register to receive our email newsletter.

What type of information do we collect from you?

Personal information we collect may include:

  • Your Name
  • Your Address
  • Your Email Address
  • Your Telephone Number
  • Your IP Address and information about what pages are accessed and when.

We do not hold or store your credit/debit card details. It is solely collected by our third party payment processors (see Payment Methods).

We will never collect sensitive information about you without your explicit consent.

The information we hold secure will be accurate and up to date. You are free to check the information that we hold about you at any time.Inaccuracies in information will be corrected or erased immediately upon discovery.

How do we use your information?

We may use the information you provide us to:

  • Register you with our website and manage your account you create with us.
  • Analyse your purchasing behaviour in order to make commercial decisions, e.g. how popular or unpopular a specific product is and whether to continue selling or terminate it.
  • Provide you with a personalised browsing experience by tailoring the online content we think is relevant to you and products you’ve purchased in the past.
  • Notify you about changes in our products, services or terms and conditions.
  • Send you commercial updates via the newsletter you may have opted in for, this may contain new promotional material, new product announcements, future events or competitions.
  • Send your telephone number tracking information by SMS or notify you if there’s a problem with your order.
  • Seek your feedback about our products and services.
  • Process orders you have submitted.

Who can access your information?

We do not or will we ever sell or rent any information you provide to third parties for any reason.

In order to protect you and ourselves from online fraud and theft, we may grant information collected from our customer records to organisations involved in fraud detection and prevention when requested to do so. We may also share customer information with the Police or other government authorities should it be required in connection with the investigation of any suspicious or illegal activity.

How do we get your consent?

When you provide the necessary details to order a product online, we imply that you consent to us receiving these personal details in order to complete the transaction and for this specific reason only.

You have the choice on whether you wish to receive additional information from us. If we request your details for alternative reasons e.g. personalised marketing purposes, we will explicitly ask you for expressed consent before hand.

How do you withdraw your consent?

If you previously gave consent to receive additional marketing information or allowed us to contact you and would like to withdraw this consent, you can do so at any time by following the instructions that are included in each method of communication.

You may also opt out by:

  • Writing to us – Slovglass Imports Ltd., Unit 1 & 2 Manton Lane, Bedford, Bedfordshire, MK41 7PG
  • Emailing us –
  • Telephoning us – 01234 365 816

Accessing and updating your information

It’s extremely important to us that the information we hold about you is accurate and up to date. You have the right to request a copy of the information we hold about you at any time. Should you request this information, we will charge you a £10 administration fee to cover the cost in providing you with this information. Slovglass Imports abide by the official GDPR 40 calendar day response time when dealing with requests to provide personal information.

If you become aware of any inaccuracies in the information we hold about you or if you need to change your details and are unable to change it yourself, please contact us by:

  • Writing to us – Slovglass Imports Ltd., Unit 1 & 2 Manton Lane, Bedford, Bedfordshire, MK41 7PG
  • Emailing us –
  • Telephoning us – 01234 365 816

Cookies, what are they?

A cookie is a piece of information in the form of a very small text file which may be placed on an internet user’s computer. We place temporary cookies on visitors computers so they can add items to their shopping cart and complete online orders.

Without these cookies our website wouldn’t function properly. We cannot identify who the user is from the cookie, it is only used to track their time on the website until they leave, at which point it is deleted.

For more information on cookies please visit

Google Marketing Cookies

Google Marketing Cookies are a type of technology used to help us track the patterns and behaviour of visitors to our website. We use the data Cookies collect to understand what products are popular and which aren’t doing so well and also see which products sale with conversion tracking code. They also allow us to show personalised google ads relating to products you have viewed on this website on 3rd party sites you may visit in the future for up to 30 days.

The data Cookies provide allow us to customise the information you see when you visit our website. We do this to enhance your customer experience so you don’t see the same adverts repeatedly.

You have the power to modify your browser settings and prevent websites from storing Cookies onto your system and not receive this tailored experience.

If you want to set your internet browser to notify you when a website attempts to install a Cookie or delete the Cookies stored on your computer, please visit and follow the instructions provided.

You can opt out of this network anytime by following these links:

“Double Click: We use Google Analytics remarketing codes to log when users view specific pages or take specific actions on a website. This allows us to provide targeted advertising in the future. If you do not wish to receive this type of advertising from us in the future you can opt out using the Double Click opt-out page or the Network Advertising Initiative opt-out page.”

What security measures do we have in place?

We take measures to ensure information you provide is secured and respected with strict confidence. We follow up to date industry practices ensuring your sensitive data cannot be accessed by unauthorised persons, nor can it be altered, destroyed, disclosed or misused.

When you provide us with sensitive information e.g. entering your address/credit/debit card details, it is protected with the latest Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and 128 Bit Geo trust encryption technology.When you enter sensitive information on our website, you will notice a padlock icon at the beginning of the URL. This signifies the web page is using the Geotrust SSL certificate which ensures the data is safe and remains completely private.

Unfortunately the internet is not a 100% secure medium to transfer information. Non-sensitive information e.g. your email address, is sent normally over the internet without encryption technology. We cannot guarantee the security of this information you provide to us therefore you do so at your own risk. You are required to login with your username and password to view your private information on our website. You are therefore held solely responsible for the strength and confidentiality of this password.

Payment Methods


Our primary Payments Service Provider is PayPal where you have the option of paying with a PayPal account or alternatively you can use PayPal to make a one of standard credit/debit card payment.


If you would like to alter or delete any personal information we hold about you or simply have a question or request more information about our Privacy Policy, do not hesitate to get in touch.

  • Writing to us – Slovglass Imports Ltd., Unit 1 & 2 Manton Lane, Bedford, Bedfordshire, MK41 7PG
  • Emailing us –
  • Telephoning us – 01234 365 816